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Thermography, LLC

Discover Thermography - Your Path to Holistic Health

Thermography, or DITI (Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging), is a noninvasive, radiation-free health risk assessment. Experience a safe and painless screening that prioritizes your comfort without compromising effectiveness. Our specialized digital camera captures thermal responses, providing valuable insights interpreted by trained Medical Doctors (Thermologists). Utilize this annual screening to measure heat pattern symmetry and track physiological changes over time. Proactively detect inflammation through thermal imaging, enhancing your chances for long-lasting health and well-being. Embrace the earliest, safest, and most comfortable technology for your holistic journey.

M.D. Thermologists read and interpret your scans

Your report is sent directly to your email within days.

You cannot put a price tag on

peace of mind

Ask about our Women's Health Check Scans


What is Thermography?

Thermography is Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) a non-invasive adjunct diagnostic technique that converts infrared radiation or heat emitted from the skin surface into electrical impulses that are visualized in color with a special camera and software. (Watch Wanda's Explanation On This Link)

It is a 15 to 60 minute non invasive test of physiology.  There is no radiation, no pain, and it is a valuable procedure for alerting your doctor to changes that can indicate early stage breast disease. 

The benefit of DITI testing is that it offers the opportunity of earlier detection of breast disease than is possible through breast self examination, doctor examination, or mammography alone.  

It is also useful in helping doctors identify up to 70 other medical issues elsewhere in the body.

Clinical uses of DITI include but are not limited to the following:

  • To localize an abnormal area not previously identified, so further diagnostic tests can be performed;

  • To define the extent of a lesion of which a diagnosis has previously been made;

  • To detect early lesions before they are clinically evident, especially useful in breast disease prevention and early detection;

  • To indicate inflammatory breast disease before and after symptoms have appeared;

  • To indicate pathology of cancer cells growing into tumors in the breast before it can be felt or seen on a mammogram;

  • As part of the overall breast cancer screening and prevention routine;

  • To monitor treatment and the healing process before the patient is returned to work.

  • Peace of mind 

Why do I need to come back in three months after my initial appointment for a follow-up breast study?

The most accurate result we can produce is change over time. 

Before we can start to evaluate any changes, we need to establish an accurate and stable baseline for you. 

(Watch Wanda's explanation on THIS link)

  • This baseline represents your unique thermal fingerprint, which will only be altered by developing pathology. 

  • A baseline cannot be established with only one study, as we would have no way of knowing if this is your normal pattern or if it is actually changing at the time of the first exam. 

  • By comparing two studies three months apart we are able to judge if your breast physiology is stable and suitable to be used as your normal baseline and safe for continued annual screening.

  • The reason a three-month interval is used relates to the period of time it takes for blood vessels to show change

  • A period of time less than three months may

    miss significant change

  • A period of time much more than three months

    can miss significant change that may have

    already taken place.

  • We believe there is NO substitute for establishing an accurate baseline. A single study cannot do this.

Why is thermal imaging useful for breast imaging?

Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) offers the opportunity of earlier detection of breast disease than has been possible with breast self-examination, physician palpation or mammography alone. 

(Watch Wanda's explanation on THIS link)

  • Each individual has her own thermal pattern (normally symmetric) that is accurate and static throughout her lifetime.

  • Any changes to her normal “thermal fingerprint” caused by early cell changes (pathology) will become increasingly apparent.

  • Monitoring changes over periods of time with DITI is the most efficient means of identifying subjects who require further investigation.

  • DITI is a non-invasive test. There is no contact with the body of any kind, no radiation and the procedure is painless.

  • The scanning system merely detects and records the infrared radiation that is emitting from the patient’s body.

  • Utilizing sophisticated infrared technology and innovative computer software, thermal imaging technicians simply capture a digitized image of the breast in the form of an infrared thermogram, or heat picture.

Is a thermal scan different than a mammogram or ultrasound?

Yes. (Watch Wanda's explanation on THIS link)

  • Unlike mammography and ultrasound, Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) is a test of physiology. 

  • It detects and records the infrared heat radiating from the surface of the body. 

  • It can help in early detection and monitoring of abnormal physiology and the establishment of risk factors for the development or existence of cancer. 

  • Mammography and ultrasound are tests of anatomy. They look at structure. 

  • When a tumor has grown to a size that is large enough and dense enough to block an x-ray beam (mammography) or sound wave (ultrasound), it produces an image that can be detected by a trained radiologist. 

  • Neither mammogram, ultrasound, nor DITI can diagnose cancer. Only a biopsy can diagnose cancer. 

  • But, when DITI, mammograms, ultrasounds, and clinical exams are used together, the best possible evaluation of breast health can be made.

Is thermal imaging a replacement for mammograms or ultrasounds?

No. (Watch Wanda's explanation on THIS link)

  • Thermography and mammography are tests based on two completely different principles, although they do complement each other. 

  • Thermography can pick up signs of inflammation missed by mammography and mammograms do not image temperature patterns.

  • Mammograms can only show dysfunction after there has been a change in density of the tissue, such as is the case with micro-calcifications, or where a tumor has formed.

  • While some women make a personal choice to use thermal imaging instead of mammography for breast screening, other women who cannot use mammography for a number of reasons can use thermography instead of mammography. 

  • Most women use thermal imaging in addition to mammography and/or ultrasound. 

  • We believe that (DITI) should be viewed as a complementary, not competitive, tool to mammography and ultrasound. 

  • DITI has the ability to identify patients at the highest level of risk and actually increase the effective usage of mammograms and ultrasounds. 

  • Research confirms that DITI, when used with mammography, can improve the sensitivity of breast cancer detection. 

  • The ultimate choice should be made on an individual basis with regard to clinical history, personal circumstances and medical advice.

Is breast thermography safe for breast implants?

Yes. (Watch Wanda's explanation on THIS link)

  • The accuracy of thermography is NOT affected in patients with implants. 

  • Since there is no compression there is zero risk of causing damage to the implants.

If I have a suspicious mammogram or find a lump in a breast, should I have a thermogram?

Yes. (Watch Wanda's explanation on THIS link)

  • The information provided by a thermography study can contribute useful additional information which ultimately helps your doctor with case management decisions. 

  • It is also important to establish a baseline for future comparison in order to monitor changes and the progress of any treatment.

Who should have a thermal scan?

Any adult can have a thermal breast scan. 

(Watch Wanda's explanation on THIS link)

  • This test is designed to improve chances for detecting fast growing tumors in the intervals between mammographic screenings or when mammography is not indicated by screening guidelines for women under 50. 

  • DITI is especially appropriate for younger women under 50 years and/or women with dense breast tissue. Dense breast tissue makes it more difficult for mammography to pick up suspicious lesions. 

  • This test can provide a ‘clinical marker’ to the doctor or mammographer, indicating that a specific area of the breast needs closer examination. 

  • Breast cancers tend to grow significantly faster in younger women (under 50 years). 

  • The average tumor doubling time for women

    under 50 is 80 days compared to 157 days for

    women between 50 – 70 years. 

  • Secondly, the faster a malignant tumor grows,

    the more infrared radiation it


  • Therefore, for younger women in particular,

    results from DITI screening can lead to earlier


How often should I have a thermal scan?

(Watch Wanda's explanation on THIS link)

Once a reliable baseline has been established, which normally requires two studies 3-months apart, you should have an on-going annual comparative study to detect any suspicious functional (physiological) changes, warranting further investigation. Depending on your personal history and risk for breast disease, your doctor can advise how often you should have a thermal scan repeated.

Have clinical tests been done on thermal imaging?

Yes! (Watch Wanda's explanation on THIS link)

  • Over 800 peer-reviewed studies on breast thermography exist in the index medicus literature. 

  • In this database, well over 300,000 women have been included as study participants. 

  • The numbers of participants in many studies are very large (10,000, 37,000, 60,000, 85,000, etc.) 

  • Some of these studies have followed patients for up to 12 years.

  • These clinical trials have demonstrated that breast thermography:

  • Detects the first signs of a cancer up to 10 years before any other procedure can detect it. 

  • Significantly augments the long-term survival

    rates of its recipients by as much as 61%. 

  • When used as part of a multimodal approach

    (clinical examination + mammography +

    thermography), will detect 95% of early stage
